Welcome to Electronics and Circuitry for Kids!
This course is a perfect introduction to circuits and electricity. It will encourage kids to build toys, design and develop products while grasping concepts of electricity. To know more about how things work, how electrical connections are made, what goes inside toys and machines.
Few things to note:
- Below is a list of all the materials you will need for the 7 projects in this course. Also attached is a "Circuit card" to get used to circuits before getting started. You can download, print and start building.
- Feel free to take a look at it and chose the ones you like best. It goes from simplest projects like making a LED mask to complex projects like building a dance-pad or spinning ballerina using a switch.
- Under "Materials" tab in every lesson, you will find the materials required for the individuals projects. It will also have respective texts, definitions, guides, games and worksheets.
Hope you have a ton of fun working with these. You can download, print and get started!