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Christmas Promotion


Make: Origami and Hands-on Play for kids

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Make : Paper Toys and Play Pack

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Make paper toys and origami projects. Fun with Science, Math, Literacy , Games, Arts and Crafts.
Water Cycle

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This book encourages comprehensive learning for young kids. It is scientific, informative and creative.
Scientific Investigation

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Preschool Activity Book

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10+ Hands-on learning and investigation. Growing imaginative and creative skills through rhymes and poems.
Next-Gen STEAM Preschool Guide

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In this Next-Gen STEAM Preschool guide, kindergarten students become scientists, engineers, and environmental stewards while developing 21st-century competencies

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Scratch Programming for Kids and Beginners

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Do you like to build toys,Take them apart and have fun with science? Do you want to know how stuff is made and make your own inventions? Then this course is perfect for you.
Computer and Coding for Kids and Beginners.

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A guide to the basics of computers, understanding coding, starting with Scratch programming, understanding what is inside a computer, its evolution, and future.
Rescue Mission with My STEM Invention

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Shadow in my Camp Tent!

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Shadow in My Camp Tent is an easy-to-follow, short story for kids between ages four and ten introducing them to the magic of adventure with a simple electronic science activity woven into it
Ghost of the Forbidden City – China

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Keiko, Kenzo and Eji are on an outbound trip to China with their school friends and a strict teacher. They visit the Forbidden Place and discover that it is haunted.
The Curse of the Ancient Temple

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Keiko, Kenzo and Eji are visiting their friend Meera in the evergreen and serene state of Kerala, India. They mischievously set out for an underwater adventure in a Subscooter invented by their father, Mr Kimura. Midway the Subscooter breaks down and they discover an ancient temple covered in gold and jewels
Sunken Treasure Hunt – Singapore

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Join siblings Keiko and Kenzo, and their dad, Mr. Kimura, their pet squirrel, Eji, and their cousin, Kiara, as they embark on a treasure hunt. This time, they are visiting the bustling city of Singapore to attend Kiara’s recital on an Ancient Sea Trade.
The Secret of the Smelly Trail – Malaysia

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Keiko, Kenzo and Eji are excited to be in the forest of Sarawak forest in East Malaysia with their grandparents. Their grandfather’s phone mysteriously disappeared from the car, leaving a strong stinky smell.
Cool Science Experiments For Kids!

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An easy-to-follow, step-by-step instruction book which introduces kids to the magic of motion, energy, chemistry, art, games, and math fun. Understanding basic scientific principles and most importantly, having a blast while making them!

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Is an easy-to-follow kids activity book with step-by-step instructions. It introduces kids between the ages 4-10 to the magic of science projects, electronics, game making, toy designing and paper printing.
Space Stem Book

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Include how to launch rockets, make telescopes, parachutes, grow plants in space, hydroponics, astronaut meal planning, lunar landings, moon rovers, solar cars, solar water heaters, build bridges, weatherproof houses, and more.
STEM & STEAM Next-gen Book

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This revolutionary STEM & STEAM Next-Gen Program is a cutting-edge scientific learning system. It will accelerate engagement in hands-on learning and teaching projects. Aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), students will make their own state-of-the-art projects
STEM Training Guide Book

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We believe in creating easy and engaging content with the STEM Training Guide book: This guidebook is for teachers, educators, homeschoolers, and parents. This is a guidebook for teachers, educators, homeschoolers, and parents who want to get started on STEM education and teaching.

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Next generation S.T.E.A.M activities and projects. Engineering design process, stories of famous young inventors, baking and cooking recipes for kids, S.T.E.M challenge cards.
Human Body Activity Book

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Your body is more than what you see when you look in the mirror – there are different parts that have different jobs, but each part works together so you can eat, sleep, sit in class and play with friends.
Energy and Electronics

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ENERGY AND ELECTRICITY is an amazing book full of hands-on activities. Learn how to make glowing necklace, squishy circuits, LED cards, dancing and glowing pad, spinning dance floor and many more. Smart way to learn about electricity, circuits, energy and conductors. Building them using easy materials from around the house or stores.
Chemistry and Magic

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Art and Crafts

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Kids will have a blast with these STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) projects.
ARTS AND CRAFTS is an amazing book full of creativity and creations.
Toys and Games

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TOYS AND GAMES is an amazing book full of hands-on activities. Learn how to make paper toys, smart paper cities and fun games that can be played anytime and anywhere. Building them using easy materials from around the house, recycled items or stores.
Simple Machine and Forces

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SIMPLE MACHINES AND FORCES is an amazing book full of hands-on activities. Learn about simple machines and forces by building them; using easy materials from around the house or stores.
Creative DOODLE Book for Kids

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This stimulating and inspiring doodle activity book for kids includes 40 doodle prompts to encourage kids to get creative and use their imagination. Each page prompts a different activity.

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Let’s take a dive into science with your favorite teacher-student fun science book! Featuring concepts on science, technology,
STEM Kids Journal

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Practice affirmations, mindfulness, jokes, brain games, gratitude, STEM activities, designs.<br>

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Let’s take a dive into science with your favorite teacher-student fun science book! Featuring concepts on science, technology,
STEM Doodle Book

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Learn about STEAM and STEM careers while kids doodle in this book. Words like architecture, astronauts, biologists, engineers, robots, etc.
Unicorn Notebook and Journal for All Girls

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100+ pages for kids to discover the magic in them and in the world.
A book to sketch Unicorns, record magical moments and fill pages with blissful “pixie dust” experiences.
It’s 6 X 9 size makes it easy for kids to carry or to slip in a purse or bag.

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Science Jokes for Kids provides children ages 6-14 many hours of fun and laughter. Young Readers will have a blast reading this collection of one-liners, knock-knock jokes, tongue twisters, and more with their friends and family!
Women in STEM

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A book on famous women scientists, mathematicians, engineers, technologists, space explorers, DNA and gene researchers, physicists, chemists, and more to inspire our young brilliant minds.

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FAMOUS STEM INVENTORS introduces kids to the world’s most famous young inventors in the field of S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). All things that we enjoy are a product of brilliant minds, scientists and engineers.

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Filled with Halloween themes of all varieties from simpler to more complex for all levels of coloring enthusiasts. Carefully chosen design will provide hours of fun, stress relief and super enjoyment with these amazing illustrations.
Halloween Coloring Book for Kids

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Filled with Halloween themes of all varieties from simpler to more complex for all levels of coloring enthusiasts. Carefully chosen design will provide hours of fun and super enjoyment with these amazing illustrations.
Knock Knock Jokes for kids

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Coloring Book for Strong Woman

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80 + Designs on inspirational quotes, positive vibes, mandala, flowers, animals, swirls and wreaths! Discover your strengths and yourself as a woman through decorative patterns, motivational therapy, transcendental art and all that’s in you. Destress, design and decorate today.